Sunday, April 19, 2009

Posts Gone Awry

I've been posting from my account lately, so that posts upload simultaneously to several places (LiveJournal, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and this blog). It's a marvelous tool when it works, but lately the files have not been posting to Facebook.

This morning is promising to be sunny and bright, so we'll most likely spend it out in the yard, playing with sidewalk chalk, water toys and the inevitable sticks, rocks and dirt that boys love. We did this yesterday for a bit while I weeded the flower bed. Big fun!

The spring flowers really make the yard look inviting and
Little Sprout's pinwheels add color and energy to the garden.

During today's front yard foray I'll snap a few shots of the pinwheels and upload them for you all to see.

What a difference a year makes! Look at this photo of Little Sprout out in the front yard on April 1, 2008.

And here is what he looks like now. They grow up so fast!

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