Friday, June 19, 2009

The Ants Come Marching In, Day 2.

Mass genocide ensues after ants demoralize mommy.

Longtime friend and undercover war strategist Marty gave me some very good advice after yesterday's post:

Take the war to them!

So I did. Or more accurately, WE did...

My neighbor Eva suggested I mix up a batch of DIY ant-killer using 40:40:20 (or 2:2:1, same thing) ratio of water, alcohol and dish soap. She even came over to help. This stuff works great! It kills ants on contact and is safe for pets, kids and the environment.

What? You want a tale from the trenches? Well, okay.

While outside on backyard ant reconnaissance, Eva and I discovered a mondo-gi-normous infestation of ant larvae being tended to by a small army of what I can only describe as Nanny ants. Upon detection there was a mad scramble to save the babies, but we (Eva and I) eradicated the ants with the homemade spray. We were quite the pair of war mongers!

But one question remains...does anyone know if it will kill the larvae? I mean, it's not extermination if the eggs are allowed to hatch.


Gina said...

LOL! And to think, I started feeling guilty about telling you there was a way to KILL them. Maybe you just wanted them to move away? Your concoction sounds great! I've seen ONE ant on my counter. Usually there are way more so I think the rain has drowned them out.

IsDihara said...

Oh ha, ha! Gina, normally I do prefer ant colonies to move, instead of going on the war path.

But I've been battling these persistent lil' buggers since March and they were winning the skirmishes more often than not. I was almost convinced to move and let them have the house.

Oh and there were SOOOOO many larvae! (Poor babies, but they had to go.) I'm sure there were survivors.

The water-alcohol-soap solution really does work great.