After a brief flirtation with the idea of posting when a former boss announced I would be authoring a video blog, and various friends saying I "really should start a blog," I've decided to take the plunge.
Let it be on your heads (you know who you are) if these musings fail to enlighten or entertain. You put me up to it. What follows is a log of my life, such as it is.
I'm a first-time mom with a ridiculously cute baby boy to dote on, who I will call Little Sprout.
Doesn't he make a great garnish? He's a deadly little charmer with disarming, deep brown eyes AND he's a good sport about wearing salad. So expect to see more fun photos of him in future posts.
I'm so glad you're doing this!! Bravo!! can't wait to read more! -M
I love the picture!
Very cool - but why didn't you use your existing blog over at Live Journal?
Not criticising, just curious. Erci and I used blogger for a while and eventually got frustrated with comment spam and difficulting in getting comments from our friends - so we switched...
Also - I simply LOVE WordPress software (either on your own site or on wordpress.com - both rock).
Is there a new feature we should know about?
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